The mission of Church of the Cross extends well beyond the walls of the building and takes the form of many different ministries both locally and internationally.
Little Free Pantries are popping up all over. They are a way of neighbors helping neighbors. Now there is one at Church of the Cross!
The Little Free Pantry is small, and not intended to replace large food pantries. It is for emergencies and is designed for open, 24/7 access to all. "TAKE AS YOU NEED: GIVE AS YOU CAN” is the idea behind this pantry.
Food and clothing are donated monthly to St. Paul United Methodist Church Ministries, a small inner-city church in Dayton with many outreach ministries to those in need in their immediate area. A "Second Helping" offering is received each Sunday which is donated to the St. Paul UMC. Our "Missions Collection Center" is located in the hallway outside the church parlor for your clothing and food donations.
VIP (Visiting Important People) is a visitation ministry that is extended to those in our church family who, though once active in our ministry, may now feel isolated and forgotten by the church because of age or health issues. (This ministry currently reaches out through telephone calls, due to COVID-19 restrictions.)
Local hands-on mission projects are gaining popularity with a group of people who volunteer their time and talents to help make a difference for those in need in our surrounding community. With grants provided by The Kettering Foundation, our team of volunteers is able to organize and provide the labor to make significant improvements for needy home owners in the Kettering area.
Jane Wise
Jane Wise, a member of Church of the Cross, is our full-time missionary in the Kasenga District in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. She assists United Methodist District Superintendent in his ministry to the District.
"Nuru Ya Mapendo is Swahili and translates “Love’s Light,” a holistic ministry to people of the District of Kasenga, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Africa. We model Jesus, who first met people’s physical needs and then ministered to them spiritually. The ministry embraces and teaches sustainable growth practices related to food and animal production in order to improve quality of life, while also ministering to the spiritual needs of the recipients. The ministry comes alongside the Kasenga District of the United Methodist Church to support and encourage pastors, to share the Good News, disciple new believers and to grow the Kingdom of God."
You can follow Jane's ministry at www.nuruyamapendo.com or her latest newsletter,
Nuru News.
Prayerfully consider a pledge of monthly support to Nuru Ya Mapendo, an approved 501(c)3 non-profit organization. You may also give to General Board of Global Ministries Advance Giving, show check memo as: "Advance Number 982465 - Jane Wise" and mail to: Advance GCFA, P. O. Box 9068, New York, NY 10087-9068.