"Church of the Cross ministry to children affirms that children are precious gifts of God. As a congregation, we strive to help children know God through a personal relationship with Jesus." This declaration is the mission statement of our children's ministry at COTC.


As an affirmation of this statement, Church of the Cross has developed and implemented a Safe Sanctuary Policy. The goal of this policy is to reduce the risk of child abuse occurring during any COTC sponsored children's ministry activity.



We want to teach our children about the love of Christ and that lesson requires a safe place where God's love is actively demonstrated. Adopting a Safe Sanctuary Policy is a loving and responsible step in providing a safe place in today's world.

Our Children’s Department is always in need of volunteers. Contact our Christian Ed Director to see how you can help.

And, of course, your prayers for the success of our program and spiritual growth of our children are always welcome!